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Successful Media Case Study

Successful Media Ensures Fast and Accurate Fraud Detection with Anura

Anura's speed and accuracy create the right solution for Successful Media.

While filtering out fraud is critical to Anura’s process, there is always the possibility of misinterpreting a user’s actions as fraudulent. This is one of the key areas where Anura differentiates itself from their competition. With a 99.999% accuracy rate in identifying fraud, there are rarely, if ever, real users flagged as fraud.

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Filter traffic from their vast array of industry publishers within milliseconds


Anura ScriptTM


Successful Media’s CEO, Brett Kaufmann, became aware from his new client that they required all new traffic to be run through Anura’s ad fraud detection solution.

“They had been using the tool for some time and felt it was appropriate for the volume and leads they were generating,” said Kaufmann.

While Kaufmann had heard of Anura, he was concerned that it might impact two key metrics: speed and the potential for false positives.


After researching the integration of Anura for this client and speaking with Anura’s Co-Founder and CEO, Rich Kahn, it quickly became apparent that an Anura script integration would protect his new client from fraudulent leads while still allowing good leads through. Brett was so impressed he decided Anura was the right solution to protect and prevent bad leads, not just for the one client that was asking, but all of the clients that Successful Media works with.


While filtering out fraud is critical to Anura’s process, there is always the possibility of misinterpreting a user’s actions as fraudulent. This is one of the key areas where Anura differentiates itself from their competition. With a 99.999% accuracy rate in identifying fraud, there are rarely, if ever, real users flagged as fraud. This is critical to the integrity of their solution and a stat that they stand by.

The Outcome

Since 2020, Successful Media has been using Anura’s Ad Fraud Solution to protect all of its clients’ campaigns from invalid traffic. The speed at which Anura identifies a user’s status as either real or fake allows for a real-time assessment that simultaneously maintains the user’s demand and ensures that fake or fraudulent users never even see the ads.

Anura’s accuracy ensures that the impact is felt only by those trying to commit ad fraud while leaving real, high-quality clicks for Successful Media’s clients to follow up with. Incidences of fraud go down, and rates of real, meaningful conversions go up.

The Anura ScriptTM is a JavaScript integration that can help provide real-time input on traffic to your site.

In addition to providing real-time decisioning, it can also detect sophisticated invalid traffic (SIVT) to keep even the most advanced fraudsters from submitting files or interacting with your site.

Unique use case
We have a very unique use case — only clicks — and everything runs through our traffic. We’re not buying and selling leads; we get data in milliseconds. Our goal: how do we get one of three scores back in a matter of milliseconds? Because we need to do actions based on the click. Whereas I know a lot of people that do use Anura and, obviously, they can return information and they’ve got all different signals on their platform showing you information about the traffic for those that can use it that way. We use it slightly differently, which is really just to get the signal back as quickly as possible to figure out what to do, and then we use the data on the host click in the platform as a reconciliation, as opposed to in real-time.
The affiliate marketing industry is shaken up every day between TCPA and new laws. Every insurance carrier in the world is pausing all their advertising; it’s a tough place to be a marketer right now. Not using a tool that helps you be a better marketer and keep out the bad stuff, to me, it seems ridiculous that somebody would want to embark on that journey. Budgets are slim and are getting cut every day, and the only people that are surviving are those that are yielding results for advertisers.
Generally, the Internet is not perfect. We like to describe to folks how you can go buy traffic from Facebook and Google, but it’s not 100% true consumers. You could go buy your own leads from Facebook, run it to a page (just for fun), put in the Anura script, and see how much of the amount of traffic you’re buying from Facebook directly that is complete garbage or almost garbage—which is surprising to a lot of clients.
They just assume that only the affiliate marketing ecosystem has these problems, not Google and Facebook. They’re buying display inventory from other places, and they just assume that it all must be wonderful because it’s coming from these big, well-known advertising networks. Not everything on the Internet is good, and it is a nice feature that you’re spending your money to help better shepherd potential customers through your process before they get to us.
I don’t know how you can yield results if you can’t, at the very top of the funnel, say, “We’re going to remove people that clearly shouldn’t be in our funnel.” It seems like such a simple equation.
It still shocks me that people don’t at least try Anura. There shouldn’t be a reason you’re not trying to see a positive ROI. I don’t understand why people aren’t trying to improve themselves in this category when it’s just getting worse as the days progress.
We’ve got a little bit of a weird use case because of how our business runs. Our most important thing is response time. If the system’s on there and is running, which I’ve never seen it go down in our years of working with them, and we’re getting the accurate responses in milliseconds.
The two metrics that we focus on are: is the system up and running and can it handle our volume. If we get a spike and do 100,000 requests in a couple of hours, they can handle it. And when things don’t come back, they show drop requests, which usually means the user is doing something funny, not that Anura missed something—which is great because then we just block all those.