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5 Reasons Account Managers Don’t Want an Ad Fraud Solution

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An ad fraud solution is no longer a want, it’s a need. Advertisers are estimated to lose $19 billion to fraud this year, equating to $51 million lost per day to fraudsters. By 2022 that number is anticipated to climb to $44 billion annually.  


With no laws against ad fraud, there’s no legal recourse for advertisers. And with thousands of fraudsters out there, there are too many to track down and block on your own 

By putting an ad fraud solution in place to add a layer of protection against fraud, it seems like a no-brainer. Brands can focus on their business while letting the ad fraud solution block the fraudsters’ techniques and tactics. However, not all account managers are sold on the idea of using an ad fraud solution.  

Download this e-book to better understand affiliate marketing, ad and affiliate  fraud, and how to minimize your company’s risk with an ad fraud solution. >>

Here are the top five reasons account managers decline using an ad fraud solution.

1. Unknown 

The most common reason account managers don’t want an ad fraud solution is “unknown.” Unknowns fall into two categories. They’ll decline but fail to provide why they said no, or they’ll ghost.”

So, why can’t they give a solid reason? You know that movie “He’s Just Not That Into You?” It’s the same concept. They’re not interested. The reasons why will vary (e.g. they weren’t a qualified lead), but the end result is the same. No dice.

2. Timing Isn’t Right

It's all about timing. When an account manager utters the phrase “the timing isn’t right,” it can be one of two things. 1.) They’re telling the truth, or 2.) it’s their polite way of declining by using an excuse. 

If they’re being honest that the timing isn’t right, they’ll be open about why. Perhaps right now doesn’t line up with their fiscal year, or their budget is allocated to other projects at the momentThese account managers will be open to revisiting an ad fraud solution at a later date 

But if they’re evasive, then their “timing isn’t right” can be filed under the proverbial not interested folder.

3. Cost Is an Issue

Some account managers balk at the cost of an ad fraud solution. Many will say, “We really like the product, but it costs too much.” For some, it’s true: the product is legitimately out of their price range.  


Source: Pexels 

However, when you calculate the total cost of ad fraud, by investing in an ad fraud solution you’re actually saving money in the long run. And an added bonusit’s boosting your brand safety, too.   

For these account managers, as budgets change, that no will likely turn into a yes.

4. Not a Good Fit

You can have the greatest product in the world, but if it isn’t a good fit for the client, it doesn’t matter. Account managers who say an ad fraud solution isn’t a good fit for their brand, well, they may be right depending on how they were qualified as a prospect.

Perhaps there’s just not enough traffic to filter, or their client doesn’t want an ad fraud solution in place. Whatever the reason, these account managers are being upfront about why it’s a no. 

5. Not Interested 

No matter how you slice and dice it, not interested is a hard no. Timing, cost, not a good fit, not understanding how ad fraud affects their brand, etc. are all reasons why an account manager will say they’re not interested in using an ad fraud solution.

Related Post: How Ad Fraud Affect Your Brand Safety 

So, How Do You Change Their Mind? 

For account managers to be on board, they need to understand how an ad fraud solution can benefit their particular industry and/or brand. Unless their specific pain points are being addressed and they can recognize the value over cost, expect to continue to hear one of these five reasons. 


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