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Where Do Humans Commit Programmatic Ad Fraud?

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Programmatic ad fraud is a widespread problem in the advertising industry, and it's not going away anytime soon. Unfortunately, humans are the ones perpetrating most of the fraud.

How is programmatic fraud committed?

One of the most significant contributors to programmatic ad fraud is human fraud farms. Human fraud farms are groups of people that create fake clicks and impressions on advertisements. These farms can be located anywhere globally, and they're often difficult to detect. Human fraud farms can operate on a massive scale, generating thousands of fake clicks and impressions per day.

Why commit programmatic ad fraud?

The fraudsters who operate human fraud farms are incentivized to continue their activities because they can earn money from the advertisements they click on. This type of ad fraud is called "click fraud," and it can cost advertisers thousands of dollars. Click fraud can be especially damaging for small businesses that rely on online advertising to generate revenue.


Another way humans contribute to programmatic ad fraud is through sophisticated invalid traffic (SIVT). SIVT is a form of fraud that uses bots or other automated tools to generate fake clicks and impressions on advertisements. SIVT can be challenging to detect because fraudulent activities appear to come from real people.

SIVT fraudsters use bots to create fake clicks and impressions on advertisements, making it appear as though a real person is engaging with the ad. These fraudulent activities can cost advertisers millions of dollars and significantly impact their advertising ROI.

Ghost Sites

Humans can also engage in programmatic ad fraud through the use of "ghost sites." Ghost sites are websites that have no actual content but display ads. These sites can be created quickly and easily and are often used by fraudsters to generate fake impressions on advertisements.

Ghost sites can be difficult to detect because they appear to be legitimate websites. Advertisers may be unaware that their ads are being displayed on a ghost site, making it challenging to identify and prevent fraudulent activities.

In conclusion, programmatic ad fraud is a significant issue in the advertising industry, and humans are responsible for much of the fraudulent activity. Human fraud farms, SIVT, and ghost sites are just a few ways that humans engage in programmatic ad fraud. Advertisers must take steps to protect themselves from these fraudulent activities.

Use Anura to stop Programmatic Ad Fraud

One way to prevent programmatic ad fraud is to use sophisticated fraud prevention tools, such as Anura.io. Anura.io uses advanced fraud detection algorithms to identify and prevent fraudulent activities, helping advertisers save money and protect their advertising ROI. By using these tools, advertisers can reduce the impact of programmatic ad fraud and ensure their advertising dollars are well spent.

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