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Fraud Tidbits

Quick reads on ad fraud.

2 min read

What is Google Arbitrage?

Google arbitrage, often referred to as search arbitrage, is a digital marketing strategy where marketers buy low-cost traffic from one source (like Google Ads) and direct it to a page filled with higher-paying ads. The goal is to pocket the...

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2 min read

What is Search Arbitrage?

What is search arbitrage?

Search arbitrage is a digital marketing strategy that involves buying traffic through different paid marketing channels and then earning revenue through higher-priced ads on the landing page.Typically, this involves the use...

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2 min read

What is Cannibalization in Digital Marketing

Digital marketing cannibalization occurs when marketing channels or campaigns of a company compete against each other, undermining the overall effectiveness of marketing efforts and potentially harming the brand. This can lead to decreased...

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2 min read

What is Lead Generation?

In the digital age, businesses are constantly seeking innovative ways to reach their target audience and increase their customer base. Lead generation stands out as a cornerstone strategy, vital for any company looking to thrive in a competitive...

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1 min read

Why You Should Worry About Fake Leads, Form-fills, and Signups?

In the realm of digital marketing, lead generation is pivotal for success. Yet, amid the pursuit of valuable leads, a significant challenge arises: the presence of fake leads, fraudulent form submissions, and deceptive signups. Recognizing these...

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1 min read

How do you get fake leads?

In the competitive landscape of digital marketing, lead generation stands as the cornerstone of success. However, amidst the pursuit of expanding reach and driving conversions, lurks a detrimental threat: fake leads. These deceptive entities not...

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2 min read

How can you save money using an ad fraud solution?

Navigating the complexities of online advertising, companies are increasingly facing the challenge of ad fraud, which can silently deplete marketing budgets and distort campaign analytics. Anura emerges as a beacon of hope, offering businesses a...

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1 min read

How do you know if leads are bad?

Are your digital marketing campaigns falling short of expectations? Are your sales teams wasting precious time chasing leads that turn out to be fake? Identifying bad leads is crucial in the world of digital marketing. Let's explore the signs of...

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2 min read

What's the definition of a lead and what is a good lead vs a bad lead?

In the vast landscape of digital marketing, the concept of leads reigns supreme. But what exactly is a lead, and how can you distinguish between a good one and a bad one? Understanding this difference is crucial for any digital marketer aiming to...

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2 min read

How do you deal with bad leads?

In the dynamic world of digital marketing, generating leads is the lifeblood of any successful campaign. However, not all leads are created equal. Dealing with bad leads is a challenge that marketers frequently face, as they can drain resources and...

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